The Links, Incorporated | News
The Links, Incorporated is a volunteer service organization of concerned, committed, and talented women who, linked in friendship, enhance the quality of life in the larger community. The organization is concerned primarily with enriching sustaining and ensuring the identities, culture and economic survival of African-Americans and persons of African descent.
The Links, Incorporated, Augusta, Georgia, linked in friendship, volunteer
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The Links, Incorporated Augusta (GA) Chapter was chartered on November 23, 1957. The first chapter members were: Sybil Carter, Marjorie Carter, Effie Josey, Wilhelmina White, Dollie Russell, Neddie Harper, Margaret Barrington, Louise Laney, Annie Mae Walker, Hattie Hornsby, Manola Lockett, and Mary Alice Thomas. The......
23 November, 2021
PAYING IT FORWARD.. Augusta members and chapter “Project Impact” girls participants packed boxes for the Thanksgiving Family First Food Box giveaway. This is in conjunction with the Project Impact boys co-horts. The service project provides Thanksgiving meals to residents at Allen Homes and MM Scott......
30 November, 2021
Augusta chapter members enjoyed our quarterly friendship activity called “Reach Out and Touch an Alumna.” Each quarter we participate in activities that exude friendship for each member. Active members were assigned an Alumna to brighten her day and make them feel special. We take great......
30 November, 2021